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June 24, 2022

4 min reading time

How to use colour preferences to build more effective team communication

Discover how understanding colour preferences can help your team thrive together and achieve even greater success. In this article, we delve into the fascinating world of colour preference ...

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Why behavioural assessments are more effective in business than personality tests

In this article, we list why C-me focuses on behaviour preferences over personality profiling and ...

What is psychometric profiling? A guide to unlocking employee success

In this short guide we will walk through the ins and outs of psychometric profiling, giving you the ...

December 20, 2021

Colour Profiling

What You Didn't Know About The History of Psychometric Testing

This is a potted history, for those who want a quick overview of where Psychometric Testing has ...

Lack of Communication in the Workplace? The True Impact of Poor Communication & Collaboration in Professional Teams

With markets expanding and customer expectations constantly evolving, companies face more ...

Our latest blog posts

December 1, 2021

3 min reading time

Effective Communication: 4 ways to improve your communication at work

Have you ever found yourself lost in translation during a conversation? Understanding and practicing effective communication skills are key to building strong workplace relationships. ...

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