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June 24, 2022

4 min reading time

How to use colour preferences to build more effective team communication

Discover how understanding colour preferences can help your team thrive together and achieve even greater success. In this article, we delve into the fascinating world of colour preference ...

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Why behavioural assessments are more effective in business than personality tests

In this article, we list why C-me focuses on behaviour preferences over personality profiling and ...

December 20, 2021

Colour Profiling

What You Didn't Know About The History of Psychometric Testing

This is a potted history, for those who want a quick overview of where Psychometric Testing has ...

What is psychometric profiling? A guide to unlocking employee success

In this short guide we will walk through the ins and outs of psychometric profiling, giving you the ...

The Holy Grail of learning and development: Becoming a learning culture

In this article we will take a quick look at the difference between a learning organisation and ...

Our latest blog posts

July 26, 2023

9 min reading time

What is psychometric profiling? A guide to unlocking employee success

In this short guide we will walk through the ins and outs of psychometric profiling, giving you the knowledge to make an informed decision about the right tool for your business.

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May 31, 2023

15 min reading time

Accurate personality assessments: Discover yourself

Have you ever wondered which personality traits define you as an individual, or how well you truly know yourself? In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the fascinating world of ...

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February 3, 2023

4 min reading time

Building high performing teams: how healthy is your feedback culture?

Discover the attitudes, values, goals and practices of a healthy feedback culture and why they are essential if you're building high performing teams. Read on to explore the concept of a ...

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January 31, 2023

4 min reading time

6 reasons your feedback culture is affecting your team's performance

Discover with us the six essential reasons why feedback training is vital to grow a healthy team and organisational culture to that encourages high performance. In this short overview gain ...

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November 11, 2022

4 min reading time

4 reasons why developing the emotional intelligence of your people managers is essential right now

Here are four factors, drawing from leading voices within business, that reveal the importance of the emotional intelligence of your people managers in your organisation achieving its ...

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September 27, 2022

2 min reading time

How can psychometric behavioural tests inform future workplace trends?

You have probably realised that the workplace is changing. Fast. In 2021 alone, 66% of leaders considered redesigning their office space for hybrid work to accommodate flexibility, and a ...

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June 29, 2022

7 min reading time

7 effective communication tips for introverts and extroverts

Effective communication is the lifeblood of any successful workplace, fostering understanding, collaboration, and ultimately, better performance. Within this guide, we will delve into seven ...

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June 24, 2022

4 min reading time

How to use colour preferences to build more effective team communication

Discover how understanding colour preferences can help your team thrive together and achieve even greater success. In this article, we delve into the fascinating world of colour preference ...

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June 16, 2022

2 min reading time

Is IQ still the most important marker of communication intelligence?

Self-awareness is defined as just that: awareness of self. Anything from what our strengths are, our blind spots, how other people perceive us, how present we are at any given moment... ...

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March 24, 2022

4 min reading time

The 10 Tips You Need to be a Successful Facilitator

Facilitating workshops, both face to face and online, is a complex task, requiring excellent communication skills and the ability to adapt delivery style to the attendees.

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